====== Airborne Research ====== Documentation related to aircraft deployments, instrumentation and data is give below. If you have questions, first check out our [[FAQ]] and if you don't find the answer email your question to [[http://aerosol.atmos.und.edu|David Delene]] (delene@aero.und.edu). Also, you can email David Delene if you would like to arrange a visit to see the Citation Research Aircraft ({{:atmos:citation:mapcliffordhalltoairport.pdf|map}}). ===== Airborne New User ===== * [[.:newuser:setup:Home|New User Setup]] ===== Airborne Field Projects ===== * [[.:field:Home|List of Field Projects]] * [[.:preprojectchecklist:Home|Preproject Citation Aircraft Check List]] * [[.:WingProbeInstallation:Home|Wing Probe Installation Process]] ===== Instrumentation ===== * [[.:instruments:Home|Descriptions of Aircraft Instrument]] * [[.:instruments:Home:CH423|Descriptions of CH423 Equipment]] * [[.:instruments:links|Places to Purchase Equipment]] * [[.:instruments:PunchList|Punch List]] * [[.:instruments:Status|Aircraft Instrument Status]] * [[.:instruments:Troubleshooting|Aircraft Instrument Troubleshooting]] ===== Quality Control ===== * [[.:cals:cdp:home:Cloud Droplet Probe]] * [[.:cals:fssp:home|FSSP]] * [[.:cals:spp:home|FSSP-SPP100 Calibration and Performance Checks]] * [[.:cals:king:home|King]] * [[.:cals:pcasp:home|PCASP Calibration and Performance Checks]] * [[.:cals:winds:home|Winds]] * [[.:cals:fieldmills:home|Electric FieldMills]] * [[.:cals:aircraft:home|Aircraft Flight-Track]] * [[.:cals:editing:home|How to Make Edits]] ===== Research Projects ===== * [[.:research:gpsoccultation|GPS Occultation]] * [[.:research:cpctimeadjustment|CPC Time Adjustment]] * [[.:research:data_undtoraob:home|Airborne Data to RAOB]] * [[.:research:FSSP-Hot wire comparison]] * [[.:research:CCN Satellite In Cloud comparison]] * [[.:research:Mini CCNC]] * [[.:research:Aircraft Sounding Comparisons]] * [[.:research:Flare Testing]] * [[.:research:Calibration of DMT CCN Counter]] * [[.:research:Thermosonde]] * [[.:research:HVPS3 Processing]] * [[.:research:Droplet Freeze Experiment]] * [[.:research:Navy CAPE Florida Project]] * [[.:research:Comparison of Ground-Based and GEOS-R Fog and Low Stratus Observations over North Dakota]] * [[.:research:North Dakota Cloud Modification Project-NDARB-Hail Project]] * [[.:research:Measured Atmospheric Change in Lead Particulate Matter from UL94 Fuel Switch by Major Aerospace College]] * [[.:research:T28/CHILL Hail Project]] * [[.:research:ICCP-CloudProbe2024|ICCP Cloud Probe Processing Workshop - 2024]] =====Software===== * [[https://adpaa.sourceforge.io/wiki/index.php/Main_Page|ADPAA Wiki Page]] * [[.:soft:POSPAC|Applanix POSPAC and POSGPS]] * [[.:soft:qnx4|QNX 4 OS]] * [[.:soft:plume:Home|Plume Subversion (CPI/HVPS3/2DS)]] * [[.:soft:quick|Quick Look Web Plots]] * [[.:soft:uploaddata|Upload data to UND server (Aircraft).]] * [[.:soft:umbrello_uml_modeller|Umbrello (Flow Documentation)]] * [[.:soft:SODA2|NCAR SODA2 (2DS,HVPS3)]] =====Links===== * [[http://faesr.ucar.edu/view/1480|NSF Data Base]] [[http://wiki.atmos.und.edu/doku.php?id=atmos:home|Back]]