====== Citation Instrumentation Status ====== ===== Rack Mounted Instruments ===== ^Location ^Instrument Name ^Serial # ^Interface ^Status^ |Side Front Rack |Cloud Particle Imager |N/A |None |Installed on Aircraft | |Side Back Rack |M300 Data System |3038 |None |Installed on Aircraft | |Side Middle Rack |TDL Pump Tray, CPC | |Serial and A/D |Installed on Aircraft | |Back Right Rack |Constant Pressure Inlet |N/A |A/D and laptop |Installed on Aircraft | |Back Left Rack |TDL |N/A |A/D and Laptop |Installed on Aircraft | ===== Wing Probes ==== ^Location ^Name ^Serial # ^Interface ^Tag ^Status ^ |Left Wing, Outside PMS Can |HVPS |1C-9906-004 | Separate Computer | |Installed | |Left Wing, Inside PMS Can |UHSAS | | Separate Computer | |Installed | |Right Wing, Outside PMS Can |CIP | | CAPS Card, Address-0x7302 |32000 (Data) 33000 (Image)|Installed| |Right Wing, Inside PMS Can |2DC | | 2D#0 SN-1033 Address-0x1700 |5000 |Installed | |Right Wing, Inside Down Tube |CDP |0901-048 | /dev/ser16 |6000 |Installed | |Right Wing, Outer Down Tube |King LWC | | A/D Board | |Installed | ===== Inlets ===== ^Inlet Location ^ Exit Location ^Instrument ^Status ^ |Left/Top Manifold (Tap Position #6) |Left/Top 1/4 exit |CPC |Installed | |Left/Top Manifold (Tap Position #5) |None |Press. Trans. |Installed | |Right/Back |Right/Back |TDL |Installed | ===== Analog Board Number 1 ===== ^Ch ^Tag ^Desciption ^Serial # ^Range ^Cal-Slope ^Cal-Offset ^Units ^Status ^Calibration Note^ |0 |100 |Spare | Not Installed | 5 volts|1.0 |0.0 |volts | Not Installed |default | |1 |101 |Attack Angle (Validyne) | 24685 | 5 volts|6.91 |0.16 |volts | Installed |Calibration Feb. 11, 2010 | |2 |102 |Side Slip Angle (Validyne)| 75876 | 5 volts|6.91 |-0.4 |volts | Installed |Calibration Feb. 8, 2010 | |3 |103 |Pitot Dynamic Nose (Rosemount)| F2AF7B1B | 5 volts|17.3 |-1.44 |volts | Installed |Calibration Feb. 8, 2010 | |4 |104 |Pitot Dynamic Wing | N/A | 5 volts |44.07 |-0.96 |volts | Installed |Calibration Feb. 1, 2010 | |5 |105 |Static Pressure | N/A | 5 volts|207.08 |0.71 |volts | Installed |Calibration Jan. 29, 2010 | |6 |106 |Cabin Pressure | N/A | 5 volts|275.44 |-1.16 |volts | Installed |Calibration Jan. 29, 2010 | |7 |107 |Temp Left Wing | 57095 | 5 volts|28.207588 |-70.088114 |volts | Installed|Calibration Nov. 9, 2009 | |8 |108 |Temp Right Fuselage | A30131 | 5 volts|23.045123 |-64.852771 |volts | Installed |Calibration Nov. 17, 2009 | |9 |109 |Chilled Mirror | N/A |10 volts|20.0 |-70.0 |volts | Installed |From Instrument Configuration | |10 |110 |King Slave | N/A |10 volts|1.0 |0.0 |volts | Installed |From m300 hot_wire_moniter | |11 |111 |King Signal | N/A |10 volts|10.0 |0.0 |volts | Installed |From m300 hot_wire_signal | |12 |112 |CPC Flow Meter | N/A | 5 volts|0.3895 |0.0107 |volts | Installed | Calibration Mar. 17, 2010 | |13 |113 |De-Ice System Indicator | Not Installed |10 volts|1.0 |0.0 |volts | Not Installed |Default | |14 |114 |TDL High Bit | N/A |10 volts|1.0 |0.0 |volts | Installed |Default | |15 |115 |TDL Low Bit | N/A |10 volts|1.0 |0.0 |volts | Installed |Default | |16 |116 |TDL 2f Mon | N/A |10 volts|1.0 |0.0 |volts | Installed |Default | |17 |117 |TDL flow meter | N/A | 5 volts|1.9733 |0.7359 |volts | Installed |Calibration Mar. 17, 2010 | |18 |118 |Inlet Pressure | N/A | 5 volts|207.02 |-2.0377 |volts | Installed |Calibration April 13, 2010 | |19 |119 |GustBox Static Pres. (Honeywell) | 53166 |10 volts|205.199 |-0.1358 |volts | Installed |Calibration April 20, 2010 | |20 |120 |OID Right Wing Ch. 0 | 0 |10 volts|1.0 |0.0 |volts | Installed |Default | |21 |121 |OID Right Wing Ch. 1 | 0 |10 volts|1.0 |0.0 |volts | Installed |Default | |22 |122 | | Not Installed |10 volts|1.0 |0.0 |volts | Not Used |Default | |23 |123 | | Not Installed |10 volts|1.0 |0.0 |volts | Not Used |Default | |24 |124 |Nevzorov LWC Const. Collector| Not Installed |10 volts|1.0 |0.0 |volts | Not Used |Default | |25 |125 |Nevzorov LWC Collector | Not Installed |10 volts|1.0 |0.0 |volts | Not Used |Default | |26 |126 |Nevzorov LWC Reference | Not Installed |10 volts|1.0 |0.0 |volts | Not Used |Default | |27 |127 |Nevzorov LWC Const. Refer. | Not Installed |10 volts|1.0 |0.0 |volts | Not Used |Default | |28 |128 |Nevzorov TWC Const. Collector| Not Installed |10 volts|1.0 |0.0 |volts | Not Used |Default | |29 |129 |Nevzorov TWC Collector | Not Installed |10 volts|1.0 |0.0 |volts | Not Used |Default | |30 |130 |Nevzorov TWC Reference | Not Installed |10 volts|1.0 |0.0 |volts | Not Used |Default | |31 |131 |Nevzorov TWC Const. Refer. | Not Installed |10 volts|1.0 |0.0 |volts | Not Used |Default | ===== Serial Box ===== ^Interface ^Tag ^Instrument Description ^Baud Rate ^Serial Setup ^Status ^ |/dev/ser1 |N/A |M300 Security Key | | RS232 | Installed | |/dev/ser2 | |Not Used | | RS232 | Not Used | |/dev/ser3 |31000 |Condensation Particle Counter (CPC) |115,200 | RS232 | Installed | |/dev/ser4 |11100 |Aircraft GPS |9,600 | RS232 | Installed | |/dev/ser5 | |Not Used | | RS232 | Not Used | |/dev/ser6 |12000 |Laser Hygrometer (TDL) |9,600 | RS232 | Installed | |/dev/ser7 | |Not Used | | RS232 | Not Used | |/dev/ser8 |51000 |Goodrich Optical Ice Detector (OID SN 0)|115,200 | RS232 | Installed | |/dev/ser9 |61000 |Gust Probe Temperature Controller |9,600 | RS232 | Installed | |/dev/ser10 | |Time Code Generator | | RS232 | Installed | |/dev/ser11 |N/A |HVPS3 TAS |9,600 | RS232 | Not Used | |/dev/ser12 |N/A |Output TAMDAR Heading Data |9,600 | RS232 | Installed, Not Working | |/dev/ser13 | |Not Used | | RS232 | Not Used | |/dev/ser14 | |Not Used | | RS422 | Not Used | |/dev/ser15 | |Not Used | | RS422 | Not Used | |/dev/ser16 |6000 |Cloud Droplet Probe (CDP) |57,600 | RS422 | Not Installed | |/dev/ser17 |10100 |Rosemount Ice Detector (422) |19,200 | RS422 | Installed | ===== Antenna ===== ^ Type ^Location ^Instrument Desciption ^Status ^ | GPS | Front | Applanix | Installed | | GPS | Middle | TAMDAR Instrument | Installed | | GPS | Back | Time Code Generator | Installed | | Iridium | Front | TAMDAR Satellite Transceiver | Installed | | Comant CI-275-5 | Back | 10 watt 465 MHz Data Radio | Installed |