===== M300 Playback ===== The M300 Playback is a QNX software tool used to simulate the work environment of an M300 Data Acquisition System. It has been used to "playback" the data collected in an *.sea file, such as data collected in flight by a variety of instruments. It can also be useful to build, edit, and test M300 tables for a field project. In order to use this software, the __M300 Playback digital key__ is required, which can be plugged into any computer or laptop that has VMware Player software installed. The M300 Playback key connects through USB, using a USB-to-serial-port cable. This tutorial uses the IMPACTS Laptop as an example. ==== Running M300 Playback from IMPACTS Laptop ==== - Ensure the M300 Playback key is physically connected via USB - Ensure all remaining USB ports are free of memory drives - Open **VMware Player** software icon located on the desktop - Double click on **QNX**, listed under Home on the left hand side - Allow a couple minutes for the QNX virtual machine to boot up... then **click into the workstation and hit enter** to receive a login prompt - Enter login: **und** Now the QNX virtual machine will function just like the M300 Data Acquisition System. Right click on the virtual desktop, select "Shell" to open a terminal. Give the command: **m300** to start the M300 Playback software. ==== Shutting Down the M300 Playback ==== The QNX virtual machine has to be shut down properly, just like the M300 Data Acquisition System. To properly shut down the machine, use the following steps. - Ensure the M300 Playback software has been exited out of, and close any open terminals - Right click on virtual desktop, **select "Shutdown"** - At the command prompt, give the command: **halt** - Wait a few seconds until it says "shutdown: System may now be powered down"... - On the keyboard, hit **Ctrl**+**Alt** to regain control of the mouse - On the top menu bar, click on "Virtual Machine" - Mouse over **"Power"** - Click on **"Power Off"** - Select **"Yes"** - Click on **"Power Off"** ==== Accessing the M300 Playback Drive's Stored Memory on the IMPACTS Laptop ==== - Ensure the M300 Playback key is physically connected via USB - **Open a terminal** by right clicking on desktop and selecting "Open in Terminal" - At a command prompt, navigate to the vmware directory using command: **cd /nas/vmware** - Mount the M300 Playback Drive by running the script with command: **./mount_fat.bash** - It will prompt for a sudo password. Enter the sudo password (refer to "Password" label on IMPACTS Laptop). - Next, give command: **df** to see what drives are mounted. You should see /Fat32_2GB listed at the bottom. - Navigate to /Fat32_2GB with command: **cd /Fat32_2GB** Now you can access files stored on this drive, or add/remove files. Keep in mind, the maximum capacity is only 2 GB. Once finished accessing the drive, be sure to unmount the drive before disconnecting or before trying to run the M300 Playback software. //**Note: the M300 Playback software (QNX) cannot run while the /Fat32_2GB drive is mounted.**// - To unmount the drive, navigate to the vmware directory using command: **cd /nas/vmware** - Unmount the M300 Playback Drive by running the script with command: **./umount_fat.bash** - It will prompt for a sudo password. Enter the sudo password (refer to "Password" label on IMPACTS Laptop). - Next, give command: **df** to see what drives are mounted. You should no longer see /Fat32_2GB listed. ==== Accessing the M300 Playback Drive's Stored Memory from QNX VMware ==== - Right click on the VMware desktop and open a shell - Enter superuser with command: **su** - Mount the drive with command: **./mount_fat.bash** - The stored memory on the playback key is now be mounted to __/dos/c__ which you can check using the command: **df** - Move files to and from as needed. Keep in mind there is only a small disk space available (< 2GB total) - To unmount the stored memory, use command: **umount /dos/c** - Exit superuser with command: **exit** //Note: nothing needs to be physically unplugged from the computer// - After unmounting the drive and exiting superuser, the M300 Playback software can be run as usual