====== CapeEx19 Aircraft Forward Camera (Video / Image) Page ====== ===== Overview ===== In late July and early August of 2019 In-Flight images were taken for the CapeEx19 project, which can be found by day under /nas/und/Florida/2019/Aircraft/CitationII_N555DS/GoPro. There are images and compiled videos for the flights on July 24th, 25th, 26th, 30th, and 31st, as well as August 1st, 2nd, and 2 flights on the 3rd. Pictures and compiled videos edited with timestamps can be found under /nas/und/Florida/2019/Aircraft/CitationII_N555DS/FlightData on the days listed under GoPro_Data. To put timestamps on the data, a program called BatchPhoto was used to timestamp the images in bulk. It is a paid program, costing $30, that can edit mass amounts of photos in multiple ways, including adding the timestamps. These processed images were then compiled in the terminal to create the videos. Most images in-flight were taken every second, though the flight on the 24th had images taken every 30 seconds and the flight on the 26th had images taken every 2 seconds. ===== Instrument Availability Summary ===== | Date | Timestamped Images | | 19/07/16 | No | | 19/07/21-1 | No | | 19/07/21-2 | No | | 19/07/22-1 | No | | 19/07/22-2 | No | | 19/07/24 | Yes | | 19/07/25 | Yes | | 19/07/26 | Yes | | 19/07/29 | No | | 19/07/30 | Yes | | 19/07/31 | No | | 19/08/01 | No | | 19/08/02-1 | No | | 19/08/02-2 | No | | 19/08/03-1 | Yes | | 19/08/03-2 | No | | 19/08/07-1 | No | | 19/08/07-2 | No |