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atmos:researchmeetingnotes:researchmeetingnotes:home:jamesklinman [2025/02/04 20:02] deleneatmos:researchmeetingnotes:researchmeetingnotes:home:jamesklinman [2025/03/11 19:07] (current) delene
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   * Processed all 2D, 2000 - 2003 (SODA processing)   * Processed all 2D, 2000 - 2003 (SODA processing)
   * Talked about fixing data, eliminating number of bin or size range.   * Talked about fixing data, eliminating number of bin or size range.
 +==== February 13, 2025 (10:0 am CT) ====
 +=== Attending ===
 +  * Ivan Arias
 +  * James Klinman 
 +  * David Delene
 +  * Pat Kennedy
 +  * Andrew Detwiler
 +=== Discussion ===
 +  * James - Fitting data.  3 minute data. 24:18:30 24:22:00 Time. 3 minutes.
 +  * James - Fitting between the 2D and 1D methods is not companionable even with a limited size range.
 +  * Ivan - New plots from AMS. 2D concentration.  Adding water can get agreement.
 +  * Pat - Seeing the amount of water.
 +Next Meeting 10 am CT - Feb 27. Focus with 2D and good agreement with radar.
 +==== February 18, 2025 (10:0 am CT) ====
 +=== Attending ===
 +=== Discussion ===
 +  * Next focus on flights with 2D data available. These are 11 flights,3-4 field projects. Had engined issues at the end. Looks all hail storms.  Use water processing, with like 5% and nothing to compare. kdp look at to get some water information.  Kdp really really response to droplets in the air, maybe see water coming off the hail, kdp pick up large waterdrops.
 +  * Sent Terry email about powersupply on Calgary.  
 +  * Once, Calgary, plan to setup rsync script to backup on Littlestorm.
 +  * Have group meeting next Thursday, meeting on Tuesday to see what data we have. David can not join. 
 +==== February 27, 2025 (10:00 am CT) ====
 +=== Attending ===
 +James Klinman, David Delene, Ivan Arias, Andrew Detwiler, Pat Kenndey.
 +=== Discussion ===
 +  * Need to update Korea Abstract.
 +  * Where were we.
 +  * List of flights. Spreadsheet. Time period that Andrew has identified time periods based on flight notes and audio.
 +  * James working on reprocessing data. Did not back-up code like should of. Not too much done.
 +  * Meeting - 11 am Central. March 20, Thursday 
 +==== March 11, 2025 (1:00 pm CT) ====
 +=== Attending ===
 +James Klinman, David Delene, Ivan Arias, Andrew Detwiler, Pat Kenndey.
 +  * Working on getting everything off Calgary.
 +  * Can you run software on Calgary? 
 +  * Aaron - Powerpoint, comparison. 1D and 2D comparison. Lot of good 2D Spectrum data before 2000.
 +  * James - Good data - means good data from the 10 minute.
 +=== Tasks ===
 +  * David Delene - Get backup system for Littlestorm.
 +  * David Delene - Global ADPAA/SODA on Littlestorm. 
 +  * James - Update with what you have at end of week.
 +  * Andy - Missing a lot of data.
 +  * James - Qualification is Good - Userable, O.K. Maybe, Bad - Not usable.
 +  * Andy - Could calculate reflectivity. (D^6)
 +  * David - Case, SODA has reflective so can low/high.
 +  * James - Let us know if we should meet.
atmos/researchmeetingnotes/researchmeetingnotes/home/jamesklinman.1738699342.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/02/04 20:02 by delene